Helloooo all.
This week has been a lot. It feels like a Friday already, but 'tis a Wednesday. :) I think it's because of the two exams and lab class I had on Monday and Tuesday that makes it seem like the end of the week (since I usually have exams on Wednesday and Thursdays).
Just wanted to give a quick update on what's going on. I tried to film some more Study with Me videos for my YouTube channel but... one way or another, they got cut short. Should I still post them? Maybe I will. Like a compilation. We shall see! 😛
I feel a load off my shoulders after completing this round of midterms. Yay!! I think it's interesting that we call them midterms, since they happen more than once a semester (i.e. not necessarily in the middle of the semester) for a lot of science/math classes in undergrad. :)
Hmmm... what else? I have a lab report due this weekend, some projects due over the next few weeks, and a paper on still live paintings coming up. I feel like the paper will be fun! I hope!
Right now I am watching a Korean drama with my mom. It's called Birthcare Center (产后调理院 in Chinese) and it's about the goings-on inside a place where mothers who've just given birth receive postpartum care and take care of their newborns.
The main character is a very successful company executive who enters a *whole* new world of motherhood (and ~drama~) and has to learn about the work/life/motherhood balance. We're up to the part where there's a debate about breastfeeding vs bottle-feeding (Episode 3). There's kind of a "means girls" hierarchy to it, where the most popular mother is the one who *seems to* have it all together. She acts the way she does to save face in front of the other mothers, but inside, she's also struggling. It's a reminder that mothers are human too!
Also, the drama is SOOOO well-filmed!! The scenery and decorations and makeup and clothes are top-notch. The level of attention to detail is super impressive.
It's nice to watch it with my mom because I can ask about her experiences with me and my sister. Being a mother takes so much sacrifice and time and energy and care!!! When you're in your mother's womb, she's giving you all of your oxygen and nutrients and taking care of your waste. I'm guessing for most people, this continues for years (even decades) after birth—minus the oxygen part. 🙂
Fun fact: fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than adult hemoglobin, which helps with oxygen delivery to the fetus from the mother. Isn't that so cool?!