Remember my post, Just do it? Well, I need to take my own advice. I recently reread my blog post, Lowering your case, which I originally finished on October 19th, 2020. I didn't post it because I thought maybe things would change or I would need to spend more time looking over it... so by the time December rolled around, I still hadn't posted it. But when I reread it in early December, I actually really liked it and didn't feel that anything really needed any revising. It looked to me like a complete product, which I could have posted right then and there—on October 19th, 2020. I need to start taking my own advice to Just do it and not overthink to the post on not doing it.
The advice in the last paragraph of Lowering your case is not bad either, if I do say so myself.
Gotta keep working on it. 💪😊💪