A few days ago, I came across my childhood diary in a box in the attic. It was a simple little notebook. Red-orange, hard-covered, with white spiral binding. A bit dusty, next to some near-forgotten relics of middle school art (styrofoam cell models, anyone?) and presentation boards.
My first entry was from over a decade ago, and the gaps between subsequent entries ranged from days to weeks to eventually, years. To be honest, even though there were so many chunks of my life that flew by without a written word, I'm glad to have made the entries I made. They're like snapshots in time that record what was important to me at various stages of my life. It's really nice to see a progression in my story, kind of like jump-cuts in a movie. Seeing what has changed, what I'm still working on, and what has stayed the same.
I started my newest entry on a fresh page. T'was an attempt to condense my most recent feelings into a couple of pages during this long-awaited binge-writing session. And as I scribbled through one page, then another, then another, that's when I remembered how much I enjoyed writing for the sake of writing. For the sake of cleansing my mind out of an invisible ether and spreading it out onto a tangible medium. Just letting any and all thoughts, no matter how trivial or embarrassing, flow through my pen onto the page, with nothing (minus the cramps in my hand, of course) slowing me down.
How nice would it be, I thought, to be able to do this more often? To write what I want, when I want, how I want. And to share it with whomever I want to, without fear of judgement.
And so... I've decided to start a blog. To collect my many thoughts. To share lessons I've learned, to ask questions, to tell stories, to let go of the past, but to always have a visible place where my memories can call home.
Here's to jumping straight from my mind to my words to your eyes to your mind. Bypassing all the middle-men to share more of my ideas and experiences with the world. With you.
I guess this blog will be my public diary. No more condensing years of life within one hand-cramping, binge-writing session. More embracing the real by simply doing. No more desire for perfection or completeness before starting. More bloggin' from my noggin, little by little, whenever I feel is right. More sharing, less overthinking. More acting, less never-ending planning.
Most importantly, more embracing how I am, less worrying about how I should be.
And with that, I'd like to formally welcome you to our journey (in)to my mind.